Payment Details
You can Pay in Cash on the first day (in an envelope with your name)
or Transfer / PayNow, up to the Wednesday before (as it takes 2 business days to be received)
No payment can be reimbursed.
If a kid gets sick, he/she will be able to come back any day(s) to recover the days he/she missed (up to one year).
You can Pay in cash on the first day of KidsCamp (in an envelope with your name/amount written on it)
We can't accept kids if payment has not been received. There is an ATM next to KidsCamp.
Log in to your internet banking:
You can transfer
Please don't forget to add a reference for the transfer (name of your kid / dates)
Account Details:
Coach Pape Pte Ltd
Swift Code : MBBESGSG
Bank : Maybank Singapore Limited
Bank Code : 7302
Branch Code : 021
Branch : Maybank Textile Centre Branch
Account number:04211098715
To use Pay Now
Please don't forget to add a reference for the transfer (name of your kid / dates)
1) don’t choose phone number but scroll down and choose UEN number
2) insert UEN number as follows: 201704411R (Coach Pape Pte Ltd)
3) add a reference for the transfer (name of your kid / dates)